exzellenz labor oper Wort-Bild-Marke

exzellenz labor oper®

A course of
Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland

August 29 – September 8, 2024

Musikakademie Schloss Engers


Next edition: August 24 – September 03, 2025 – Musikakademie Schloss Weikersheim

exzellenz labor oper

»The finishing touch«

Concept and Artistic director:

Hedwig Fassbender


12 Singers, 4 Pianists



  • Single lessons
  • Team teaching
  • Group coaching
  • Seminars
  • Public Final Concert in Frankfurt

Course content

  • Technique / Style
  • Clarification of the Artistic Profile
  • Audition Training
  • Mental training
  • Career Advice
  • Feldenkrais
  • Clothing style and Make-up/Hair

800€ for singers / 600€ for pianists
(This amount covers the cost of 11 days of work with all the instructors, accommodation in single rooms and three meals per day)
There are limited possibilities to reduced fees upon request.


Instructors 2024

Hedwig Fassbender, Frankfurt

Style of German repertoire, Vocal technique

Fausto Nardi, Hamburg

Style of Baroque and Mozart, Recitativi

René Massis, Paris

Style of French Belcanto, Career Counseling

Enrico Maria Cacciari, Zürich

Style of Italian Belcanto, Piano technique

Mathias Hermann, Frankfurt

Audition Training, Role development

Allison Cook, Nice

Mental Training / Mindfulness

Rebecca Meitlis


Amélie Sator, Köln

Style of Audition- and Concert-Outfit

Nadja Dahlheimer, Würzburg

Style Make-up and Hair

Bodo Busse, Saarbrücken

Special Guest

The course location

Schloss Engers

The course occurs in the beautiful Schloss Engers, the Landesmusikakademie Rheinland Pfalz. During the course, course participants and instructors live at the academy.

Rhine promenade



Kurs 2023