Ich habe noch nie so einen klug durchdachten und perfekt organisierten Kurs besucht.
Marlene Heiß, Pianist (2019)
Contact for questions regarding the organization of the course:
Daniela Kabs:
Contact if you have artistic questions:
Hedwig Fassbender:

Daniela Kabs completed her studies in musicology, music education and political science at the Justus-Liebig University of Gießen with a Magister Artium in 2002. During her studies, she worked as a guitar teacher at the music schools in Hungen and Gießen and took over the music school management in Gießen in 2001 and 2002 as a parental leave replacement. She gained further experience in the management field while working at the Darmstadt Residence Festival. Then she studied theatre and cultural management at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main, graduating with a Master of Arts in 2003. Immediately after graduating, she began working in the events department of the HfMDK Frankfurt, supplemented her knowledge with a year in press and public relations, and has headed the artistic operations office of the HfMDK Frankfurt since 2009. In 2019 -2020 she trained to become an event security manager. In 2021, she got her degree as a life and business coach.